Piers Blombery

Molecular Haematology

Dr. Piers Blombery is a clinical and laboratory haematologist and the medical lead of the molecular haematology laboratory. After beginning his haematology training in Melbourne, he completed his training and worked as a consultant at University College London Hospital (UCLH) in the leukaemia/MDS service and the Specialised Integrated Haematological Malignancy Diagnostic Service.

Along with a highly dedicated scientific team, he coordinates the provision of personalised therapy for patients with haematological malignancy at Peter MacCallum through comprehensive and tailored genomic assessment of blood cancer in the diagnostic laboratory. This work was pioneered in multiple myeloma and now extends to all types of haematological malignancy including chronic lymphocytic leukaemia, indolent lymphoma, aggressive lymphoma and the full spectrum of myeloid malignancies.

He is currently the recipient of the Vision Super-Snowdome fellowship and is the author of multiple textbook chapters, invited reviews and peer-reviewed original research publications in translational molecular diagnostics. Clinically he works in the aggressive lymphoma service and provides a consultative service in personalised molecular medicine.